Nutritional Therapy for Mold Exposure Recovery
Helping those with known or suspected Mold exposure restore health naturally through whole food nutrition tailored just for you.
Nutritional Therapy for Recovering from Mold Exposure
Helping those with known or suspected Mold exposure restore health naturally through whole food nutrition tailored just for you.
Mold Exposure Can Take On Many Forms
If you’ve been experiencing the following symptoms or conditions, you could have exposed to mold:
- extreme fatigue
- excessive thirst
- sleep disorders
- brain fog / concentration
- word finding difficulties
- memory loss
- anxiety
- depression
- abnormal fears / phobias
- sensitivity to light & sound
- sensitivity to smells & chemicals
- static shocks
- cardiovascular problems
- kidney problems
- buzzing in ears
- asthma
- allergies
- hormonal problems
- irritability
- night sweats
- rapid weight gain
- resistant weight loss
- muscle loss / atrophy
- stiff joints
- sinusitis
- postnasal drip
- nosebleeds
- headaches
- migraines
- sweaty hands & feet
- body odor
- itchy dry skin
- scaly dandruff
- scaly skin patches
- sugar intolerance
- starchy food intolerance
- digestive complaints
- odorous gas
- Candida / yeast infections
- Lyme
- parasites
- recurrent viral infections
- heavy metals
- autoimmune conditions
- weakened immune system
- chronically low Vitamin D
- unusual pain
I Can Help!
Get Better Faster and with Fewer Adverse Reactions!
serving southern california and worldwide
Hi, I’m Karen Higgins.
I was inspired to become a health practitioner out of my own health struggle and journey. I battled chronic health issues for more than 30 years and later discovered they were related to toxic mold and Lyme disease. I worked with 4 dozen health professionals and spent $400k trying to restore health and I did not get better. My body did not respond to any treatment. It wasn’t until I went back to school and learned how the works and how it heals that I got results.
What I’ve learned from my journey is that there are millions of people with chronic health issues and they’re going through the same arduous process of seeing doctor after doctor without finding a root cause or resolution of symptoms. While mold isn’t the underlying factor in every problem, it is more common than we think and it is often overlooked.
I am incredibly passionate about bringing awareness to Mold Toxicity as it is affecting so many people and they don’t even realize it.
I am inspired to serve those who are ready to do what it takes to het healthy and heal.

My Approach
The Pillars for Health
Eat Clean Food
Focus on
“what your food ate”, “how it was grown” and “how it was prepared”.
Minimize the toxins going into your body and support your body’s ability to get them out.
Live a Healthy Lifestyle
Get plenty of sleep, water, daily movement, manage stress, and recharge.
Have a Positive Mindset
Speak positivity to yourself, avoid those who don’t, and practice daily gratitude.
On the Blog
7 Simple Steps for Healthy Living
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